I have a Befaco Hexmix with a Hexpander, STmix, and Hexmix VCA. I just bought a Cosmotronic Messor, which sounds amazing, and I'm trying to figure out the best way to integrate it since I don't have master sends in this mixer. I can use 2 of the 3 sends (either pre or post fader) of the Hexpander for a stereo send to the compressor, but that only leaves me with one mono send remaining for effects. I also purchased a stereo matrix mixer (AI018), but I'm not sure how best to use it. I'd like to have more than one send for effects. What if I feed the direct outs on top of the Hexpander to the matrix mixer, then send the signal to effects, which return to the matrix mixer to be sent to the Hexpander returns? I think that would work, but would the return signal be summed with the inputs? I would appreciate other ideas, including other modules that would give me the most flexibility in terms of signal routing.
Statistics: Posted by mfjcng — Wed Jun 26, 2024 10:12 pm — Replies 4 — Views 153