I have a problem with my VCF and someone on reddit told me I should post it on here. This is my first post on this forum so pardon me if I did something wrong.For my final school thesis I'm building a modular synth-system. I had problems with the VCF-pcb i produced, but i got it working now on breadboard and veroboard. I finished the module but the resonance is too small. It started of as a filter from the datasheet but it now looks pretty similar to a ms-20 filter. Changes from schematic: R8 and R10 go to the negative input of the LM13700, reduced R14 to 1k hoping for bigger gain, removed R16. I kind of get a little bit of resonance. In when I switch to High-pass the resonance works fine but in LP it's quite low.
Statistics: Posted by MauriceSirius — Fri Oct 04, 2024 11:46 am — Replies 4 — Views 114