1. For some reason I cant get my m audio oxegyn pro keyboard to midi learn cc from omnisphere.
I have everything hooked up and set up in Reaper correctly as I can control xpand 2, and other synth plugins via midi cc learn. But only omnisphere doesn't work. Why? Ive tried changing settings in Reaper and on the controller and in omnisphere. To no luck. Any ideas?
Ive contacted spectrasonics and they told me exactly what Ive been doing and trying. At this point im thinking Theres something in Reaper i need to adjust?
2. I want to do filter sweeps in omnisphere but I have the track with omn and the midi pattern on but if I hit record it will erase the midi track and play nothing. How do I go about getting the midi track to play and record the parameter change performance (filter sweeps) as audio?
So far Ive tried setting up the omn plugin track to send to another track being recorded, but omnisphere is a plug in and cant be recorded without it being triggered via midi so I cant set the record Chanel to record any audio. No sure how to let the midi play and me to record the parameter adjustments.
3. If I want to buy a midi fighter or faderfox to control all parameters in omn how do I use an external knoby midi controller together with my midi controller on a track with VST synth and have both controllers control on one track? I had a bcr2000 but found out the drivers are obsolete on my new computer and couldnt figure out how I would be able to use it with my midi controller at the same time in the same plugin instance. So I ended up selling it.
How are you all playing VST synths or other VST and controlling with multiple midi controllers??
Note; im using the USBs as the midi source from my controllers as my Nord drum is taking up the 2 midi ports on my interface. I do have a midi solutions thru but found it only works as below;
Usb Midi keyboard to computer Midi from midi keyboard midi solutionsother external gear. Then the midi keyboard controls all connected gear.
1. For some reason I cant get my m audio oxegyn pro keyboard to midi learn cc from omnisphere.
I have everything hooked up and set up in Reaper correctly as I can control xpand 2, and other synth plugins via midi cc learn. But only omnisphere doesn't work. Why? Ive tried changing settings in Reaper and on the controller and in omnisphere. To no luck. Any ideas?
Ive contacted spectrasonics and they told me exactly what Ive been doing and trying. At this point im thinking Theres something in Reaper i need to adjust?
2. I want to do filter sweeps in omnisphere but I have the track with omn and the midi pattern on but if I hit record it will erase the midi track and play nothing. How do I go about getting the midi track to play and record the parameter change performance (filter sweeps) as audio?
So far Ive tried setting up the omn plugin track to send to another track being recorded, but omnisphere is a plug in and cant be recorded without it being triggered via midi so I cant set the record Chanel to record any audio. No sure how to let the midi play and me to record the parameter adjustments.
3. If I want to buy a midi fighter or faderfox to control all parameters in omn how do I use an external knoby midi controller together with my midi controller on a track with VST synth and have both controllers control on one track? I had a bcr2000 but found out the drivers are obsolete on my new computer and couldnt figure out how I would be able to use it with my midi controller at the same time in the same plugin instance. So I ended up selling it.
How are you all playing VST synths or other VST and controlling with multiple midi controllers??
Note; im using the USBs as the midi source from my controllers as my Nord drum is taking up the 2 midi ports on my interface. I do have a midi solutions thru but found it only works as below;
Usb Midi keyboard to computer Midi from midi keyboard midi solutionsother external gear. Then the midi keyboard controls all connected gear.
Statistics: Posted by NaughtyNord4p — Fri Sep 13, 2024 5:36 am — Replies 0 — Views 21